
live project

2 MBA/ PGDM students are needed who have completed their first year for a live project of a industry. Stipend would be paid. Interested one can write back @ rk.singal58@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Interview Question for Sales/ Marketing Jobs : How I Hire: Sell Me a Pen

How to hire is a tough question to answer. Many managers have hired people who have failed to deliver, so what's the secret? What are the main aspects that need to be evaluated when recruiting new employees?
Do I care about qualifications?
The simple answer to that is no, its life education that I look for. I have never focused on the candidates formal qualifications, its just not that important. Unless you are a Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer etc, it's rather irrelevant. People who put too much emphasis on this are wrong. Within one of our companies we have a developer who did not go to university or have any sort of formal higher education, yet he is a brilliant developer capable of creating amazing web technology which can change businesses globally. If I had put an emphasis on hiring graduates only, I would not have hired him. We would have lost out.
People will lie in the interview.
This is true, remember, you are about to provide a salary to someone, i.e. secure their future. What are they prepared to do to achieve this? Sometimes, anything! So lying is a simple thing.
You need to cut above the lies. Don't be afraid to ask difficult questions in the interview.
For example, I know its an old one, if you are interviewing a sales person, pick up a pen (or whatever is nearby) and ask them to sell it to you. The point here is not about them selling a pen (or any other object) but about seeing how they react to pressure (as you would expect a sales person to), the questions they ask you in return and more importantly how they can increase the value of such a simple object. The pen analogy is just that.. an analogy... it can be applied to any product or service that you sell. Make them demonstrate to you they understand value and how to put that across.
When reviewing their experience, ask them why they did not hit their targets and delve deep. Don't simply skirt around subjects, get into depth around why they did what they did. Good hires are not afraid to tell you the good or the bad of their career. Let's face it we have all had both.
Expert interviewers will tell you that using "behavioural techniques" are the best way to hire. But I think its not enough, how someone can tell you they behaved in a scenario is not the same as how someone will behave now. People can miss out the mistakes and paint a positive picture for the interview. I want to know how they will react now.
Create real world scenarios in the interview and ask the candidate to respond to you as if it were a live situation, if they respond positively you have a potential positive hire. For example, if you are hiring a Customer Service Manager for your business, then create a scenario where you are a customer making a strong complaint (which could have a devastating impact on your business) and then ask them to respond to it. Look for someone who can digest the issue, evaluate it and provide a rapid solution whilst appeasing you emotionally. Its a good way to assess a candidate whether you are looking for a customer services manager, marketing or sales person.
In the past, I have taken on sales people on short trials to see how they can perform. It's a good way of reducing the risk of taking on someone who turns out to be waste of time.
Don't be afraid to be harsh at the interview process, remember its not a personal attack. Its all business. Ultimately you are helping them figure out if the job is for them too. You have invited this person to the interview to hire them, not to waste their time, so essentially it is their job to lose, they should be able to handle any form of questioning.
Personally, I rely on instinct, some people just feel right both for the role and culturally. And culture is important. Cultural fit is a big deal. if you have a great team which is working well you won't want to hire someone who will potentially upset the apple cart by reducing staff morale. You are the only judge of this. So make the right decision so that culturally they fit.
A good way of doing this is to get them to meet the team they will be working with. Get them to meet everyone from the seniors to the juniors. Take feedback from everyone. It's an easy thing to do and will save you from making a mistake. Listen to all feedback, even from juniors, remember, everyone has an instinct and sometimes its the smallest things that make a bad hire.
Do you like them, can they do the job, do they check out, have you tested them, do your colleagues like them, if you can say yes to all of the above, then hire them.
I believe that when you are a small business every hire is a very important one. New hires can change the path of your business in a very short time. It is a bad CEO that underestimates the value of a new hire in a small company. The first 6 weeks of a new hire will tell you everything. Whether they will sink or swim but more importantly, if they have the passion to succeed in your company.

Friday, September 13, 2013

From Deloitte SA : Seven questions finance executives should be asking to up their game strategically

Seven questions finance executives should be asking to up their game strategically 

 click on the given below link for article





s the CFO role continues to evolve, it is imperative that finance executives up their game strategically. That doesn’t mean simply knowing the latest strategy theory or fad. It means being able to advance your organization’s growth or improve its competitive position by identifying the key constraints holding it back, and then using finance to free it from those constraints. In other words, today’s environment requires a CFO to be not just a strategist, but a pragmatic strategist.
To get there means cultivating a mind-set where you ask the right questions about where your company is currently positioned, what is holding it back from achieving its potential or what could hold it back, and then framing what you might do to move the company forward. In this issue of CFO Insights, Ajit Kambil, Ph.D., global research director for Deloitte’s CFO Program and a director with Deloitte LLP, draws from his experience leading the Deloitte CFO Transition Lab™ program worldwide to explain how CFOs may become more pragmatic strategists and in the process identify opportunities for finance to create value.
The critical questions
Some CFOs may have a strategic mind-set naturally. But based on the outcomes of more than 100 Labs, it is clear that such a mind-set may also be cultivated by asking the following seven questions.
For a more detailed discussion, feel free to contact Professor Rodger George of Deloitte Consulting at rogeorge@deloitte.co.za
- See more at: http://deloitteblog.co.za/2013/09/13/seven-questions-the-cfo-should-ask-to-up-their-game-strategically/?goback=%2Egde_3044917_member_273532047#sthash.Q6wvAzYm.i4BDV5ii.dpuf
s the CFO role continues to evolve, it is imperative that finance executives up their game strategically. That doesn’t mean simply knowing the latest strategy theory or fad. It means being able to advance your organization’s growth or improve its competitive position by identifying the key constraints holding it back, and then using finance to free it from those constraints. In other words, today’s environment requires a CFO to be not just a strategist, but a pragmatic strategist.
To get there means cultivating a mind-set where you ask the right questions about where your company is currently positioned, what is holding it back from achieving its potential or what could hold it back, and then framing what you might do to move the company forward. In this issue of CFO Insights, Ajit Kambil, Ph.D., global research director for Deloitte’s CFO Program and a director with Deloitte LLP, draws from his experience leading the Deloitte CFO Transition Lab™ program worldwide to explain how CFOs may become more pragmatic strategists and in the process identify opportunities for finance to create value.
The critical questions
Some CFOs may have a strategic mind-set naturally. But based on the outcomes of more than 100 Labs, it is clear that such a mind-set may also be cultivated by asking the following seven questions.
For a more detailed discussion, feel free to contact Professor Rodger George of Deloitte Consulting at rogeorge@deloitte.co.za
- See more at: http://deloitteblog.co.za/2013/09/13/seven-questions-the-cfo-should-ask-to-up-their-game-strategically/?goback=%2Egde_3044917_member_273532047#sthash.Q6wvAzYm.i4BDV5ii.dpuf

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Latest Research Article by Forbes : Who Wastes The Most Time At Work?

Who Wastes The Most Time At Work?

We all waste time. Surveys show Millenials are wasting the most.
A year ago my friend Russ Warner, CEO of ContentWatch, collaborated with me on the article The interest in that article continues to grow to this day. Today he shared his updated perspective. The verdict: We're even worse off than before.
The distractions are endless. According to Socialnomics and other web sources, volumes of new data and photos are uploaded continually and Web surfers are bombarded with thousands--even millions--of fresh pics, tweets, and articles every day. More than 1.1 billion active Facebook users upload 350M photos daily.  And more than 100 hours of video join the YouTube database every minute.
From Bad to Worse
For good or bad, we now have access to more than two Zettabytes of data worldwide as of 2011 (2 zettabytes = 2 trillion gigabytes). The data deluge has fostered an atmosphere of productivity loss and increased "me time" entitlement. However you look at it, the Internet provides the medium to needlessly occupy all of our time. Each of us has the option to waste or utilize time, but the outcome varies by the habits each of us set.
In business, we do not simply create or gain capital; we achieve it. Time, generously doused with effort, produces capital. When workers become lackadaisical, capital becomes weak. When employees shuffle back to their desks after an extended water-cooler conversation and toggle between a spreadsheet and their Facebook page (60 percent of users check Facebook daily), “like” a new pic on Instagram and then check their status with the 218 million professionals and friends on LinkedIn, they are wasting your time.
The simple truth: People waste time at work
Whether it's web surfing, engaging in personal phone calls, searching for new job opportunities, gossiping by the water cooler, shopping online, exploring social networks or checking personal email, a great deal of working time slips away. Of all workplace distractions, the Internet is the greatest productivity drain.
Sixty four percent of employees visit non-work related websites each day. In this category, the amount of time wasted per week on non-work related websites is as follows: 
Time Wasted                  Pct of Employees
1-2 hours                               29%
2-5 hours                               21%
6-10 hours                             8%
10+ hours                               3%
Contributing to these percentages are social media networks. The winners for the time-loss warp are Tumblr (57%), Facebook (52%), Twitter (17%), Instagram (11%) and SnapChat (4%).
How much is too much?
Imagine an employee who works 2,080 hours per year (260 days). If she is in top the bracket of time wasters, she wastes 520 hours per year. That's 25% of her total hours at work spent on unproductive activities. Clearly this costs your company capital.
In addition to the conscious wasting of time, companies also squander salary and benefits on distractions such as watching and following national sports. Workplace contests such as March Madness can be detrimental to time management and focus. Some 86% of employees will spend at least some time at work following March Madness this year.
While employees congregate around TV screens, they're not answering phones or supporting clients on emails. March Madness alone, for example, costs U.S. companies $175 million in wasted time in just the first two days.

Why do employees waste so much time?
When you hire employees, you expect them to be efficient and do the job right. The employees who seek you out most generally ramped up their resumes, interviewed, and wanted their job. So why, once they get the job, do they slip into habits of time wasting and self-entitlement?
According to recent data from Salary.com, employees give the following responses:
·      34% of employees say they are not challenged
·      34% say they work long hours
·      32% say there’s no incentive to work harder
·      30% are unsatisfied with work
·      23% are just plain bored
·      18% say it’s due to low wages
As dismal as these reasons may be, all of them contribute to a lack of productivity. With no drive to work hard, employees simply plod through their work unfocused and unmotivated and get little done each day. Menial tasks become accepted as a way to fill time.
Wasted by Porn
Another distraction that is a huge issue from the standpoint of workplace liability is pornography viewing at work. Nielsen has found that 25 percent of working adults admit to looking at pornography on a computer at work. And 70 percent of all online pornography access occurs between 9 AM and 5 PM.
It's clear that porn is a common occurrence at work. This not only wastes time but also creates a hazard in your work place environment as it can lead to complaints and trouble among co-workers, sexual harassment cases, and liability for employers who haven’t taken sufficient steps to keep the unwanted content from view (let alone the network bandwidth and malware issues involved).
Who wastes the most time?
We  can classify employees into three general categories: Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y (Millennials). Each category tends statistically towards a set of predominant habits and traits. Knowing these possible traits can help you manage the strengths and weaknesses of each group as it pertains to time misspent in the workplace.
  • Millennials (Gen Y) - born between the years of 1982 - 2004. They had access to the Internet and cell phones for communication.
  • Generation X - born between the years of 1965 -1981; they had a mix of Internet/cell phones in their later years.
  • Baby Boomers - born between the years 1946 - 1964. They had no Internet/cell phones even in college. They are immigrants to a technology-based society.
And so the characteristics begin. Of Millennials, 53 percent say they would give up their sense of smell rather than lose a device connection. The desperate need to be "connected" overrides the desire for their olfactory receptors to function. One third of them would rather have a flexible work environment and access to social media than a bigger paycheck.  Perhaps money really isn't the best motivator after all. The motivating factor here is flexibility in device usage. On average, these technology-obsessed workers use their devices 7.5 hours per day.
Russ Warner is an expert on internet safety and workplace and parental software controls
Each category of workers has its strengths and weaknesses; however, the least effective workers where wasted time is concerned are Millennials. According to a study, Millennials waste more than twice as much time as Boomers. Could this be due to the early-aged exposure to technology? Does the tech-savvy society we live in affect the future employees of America and their productivity levels?
Here is the shocking news. Your company roster most likely includes all of these employee categories, but the break down is this: Boomers waste the least amount of time: about 41 minutes per day. Next are Gen X'ers who waste 1.6 hours per day. Are you ready for the winning number? Millennials waste about 2 hours per day—an entire 40 hours a month!
Millennial Waste
Why do Millennials waste so much time? On the whole, studies show, they blend work and life into an immutable whole. They have developed an entitlement to "me" time at work. On the plus side, they are highly team-oriented, which naturally sets the stage for more conversation with co-workers—but yet again, also leads to the trend and the tendency to waste workplace time. The Salary.com study reveals that the number one cause for distraction among Millennials is (not surprisingly) the Internet.
How To Make Employees More Productive
The data is dismal, but Warner has offered up several strategies managers can use to help increase distracted workers' ability to succeed. In the case of Millennials, he suggests, this is a group that clearly need more freedom in the workplace than their established counterparts in order to accomplish their goals. They will naturally need to collaborate through the use of technology. If you allow them to collaborate via the mediums they are most familiar with (including social media), they will complete projects faster and the process will run more smoothly.
However, don't allow Millennials to run amok, Warner says. If they are becoming overly distracted by social media, give them additional structure during the workday. Provide guidelines for when they're allowed to access their favorite social media sites, such as potentially only once every two hours. Or allow them two paid fifteen-minute breaks a day where they're allowed to go online to do whatever they want (although workplace HR and liability rules still apply).
If your Millennial workers are wasting too much time chatting with co-workers, tell them it's fine to chat for a few minutes, Warner suggests, but to advise them not to carry these conversations on at length. Let these employees see you're willing to be flexible where possible, and they'll be more likely to want to please you by working hard. Happy employees work more efficiently, and waste less time in social media and other pursuits. When the company has a policy that makes it okay to check Facebook or Instagram periodically, they are more likely to get their work done during the rest of their time.
Three Ideas for Higher Productivity
1. First, know your employees. Once you know how your employees operate, you know how to accommodate their needs. Ask them explicitly.  Even take surveys, where needed. Another idea is to establish a weekly lunch-on-the-company routine. (Our agency does this. We call it "Company Lunch". Plan parties for the weekend.
2. Second, establish rules and guidelines that motivate. Let employees contribute to the guidelines and rules. Co-creativity is important. "People need people, people need technology and people need spaces that bring those two together in effective ways that help build bonds and trust. Innovation cannot exist without these" says Business News Daily. Ditch the typical cubicle. "The hunt is on to create spaces that allow the entrepreneur to express their unique culture, that encourages spontaneous interaction, that screams that fun is a meaningful part of the creative process, and encourages personal expression making people feel at home."
A few examples of guidelines that motivate:
  • Consider holding shorter meetings. Or establish a "no-meeting-day" policy: Pick a day to be meeting-free and see how employees revel in the day of no dragged-out meetings.
  • Consider a more flexible dress code. Should your employees be in formal business attire if they are doing heavy lifting or never seeing clients? Pick days that can be deemed "casual." But be warned, clothing should never be offensive, frayed, or dirty in the workplace.
  • Provide equipment to use during free time (such as exercise equipment, foosball, or ping pong). By providing recreational equipment, you encourage physical activity, allow your workers to unwind during stressful times and possibly increase their state of health.
  • Train team in skills of time literacy and how to manage daily interruptions.
  • Stay up-to-date on new management techniques.
  • Consider Flex Scheduling or additional options for allowing employees to work from home, where possible, to avoid waste.
Consider these ideas as well:
-Provide flexible working hours to permit those who seek for physical activity before work, at lunch or after work.
-Offer facilities for those who wish to exercise -- shower, locker room, or an on-site exercise equipment,
-Support a local recreation league or sports team (community leagues).
-Offer discounts or subsidies on memberships at local gyms, rec centers, or health clubs.
-Offer fitness opportunities at work, such as group classes or personal training.
3. Third, measure and reward results, not time on the clock. Call employees personally to thank them and congratulate them on a job well done.
Not all methods will fit your company, your employees, or your personal style. But smart businesses should take immediate action to improve their employees’ productivity.  Whatever the stage of your company, set a culture in place right away to help employees understand that in your workplace, the smart use of time means everything to your company's success.
Additional reporting for this article provided by internet safety expert Russ Warner, CEO of Contentwatch, makers of parental control software NetNanny.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fresher MBA Jobs as Business Analyst


                                      Vacancy for Business Analyst 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

An Article : The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs From Harvard Business Review(HBR)

An Article : The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs

by Walter Isaacson

His saga is the entrepreneurial creation myth writ large: Steve Jobs cofounded Apple in his parents’ garage in 1976, was ousted in 1985, returned to rescue it from near bankruptcy in 1997, and by the time he died, in October 2011, had built it into the world’s most valuable company. Along the way he helped to transform seven industries: personal computing, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, retail stores, and digital publishing. He thus belongs in the pantheon of America’s great innovators, along with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Walt Disney. None of these men was a saint, but long after their personalities are forgotten, history will remember how they applied imagination to technology and business.
In the months since my biography of Jobs came out, countless commentators have tried to draw management lessons from it. Some of those readers have been insightful, but I think that many of them (especially those with no experience in entrepreneurship) fixate too much on the rough edges of his personality. The essence of Jobs, I think, is that his personality was integral to his way of doing business. He acted as if the normal rules didn’t apply to him, and the passion, intensity, and extreme emotionalism he brought to everyday life were things he also poured into the products he made. His petulance and impatience were part and parcel of his perfectionism.
One of the last times I saw him, after I had finished writing most of the book, I asked him again about his tendency to be rough on people. “Look at the results,” he replied. “These are all smart people I work with, and any of them could get a top job at another place if they were truly feeling brutalized. But they don’t.” Then he paused for a few moments and said, almost wistfully, “And we got some amazing things done.” Indeed, he and Apple had had a string of hits over the past dozen years that was greater than that of any other innovative company in modern times: iMac, iPod, iPod nano, iTunes Store, Apple Stores, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, App Store, OS X Lion—not to mention every Pixar film. And as he battled his final illness, Jobs was surrounded by an intensely loyal cadre of colleagues who had been inspired by him for years and a very loving wife, sister, and four children.
So I think the real lessons from Steve Jobs have to be drawn from looking at what he actually accomplished. I once asked him what he thought was his most important creation, thinking he would answer the iPad or the Macintosh. Instead he said it was Apple the company. Making an enduring company, he said, was both far harder and more important than making a great product. How did he do it? Business schools will be studying that question a century from now. Here are what I consider the keys to his success.
Focus When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, it was producing a random array of computers and peripherals, including a dozen different versions of the Macintosh. After a few weeks of product review sessions, he’d finally had enough. “Stop!” he shouted. “This is crazy.” He grabbed a Magic Marker, padded in his bare feet to a whiteboard, and drew a two-by-two grid. “Here’s what we need,” he declared. Atop the two columns, he wrote “Consumer” and “Pro.” He labeled the two rows “Desktop” and “Portable.” Their job, he told his team members, was to focus on four great products, one for each quadrant. All other products should be canceled. There was a stunned silence. But by getting Apple to focus on making just four computers, he saved the company. “Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do,” he told me. “That’s true for companies, and it’s true for products.”
After he righted the company, Jobs began taking his “top 100” people on a retreat each year. On the last day, he would stand in front of a whiteboard (he loved whiteboards, because they gave him complete control of a situation and they engendered focus) and ask, “What are the 10 things we should be doing next?” People would fight to get their suggestions on the list. Jobs would write them down—and then cross off the ones he decreed dumb. After much jockeying, the group would come up with a list of 10. Then Jobs would slash the bottom seven and announce, “We can only do three.”
Focus was ingrained in Jobs’s personality and had been honed by his Zen training. He relentlessly filtered out what he considered distractions. Colleagues and family members would at times be exasperated as they tried to get him to deal with issues—a legal problem, a medical diagnosis—they considered important. But he would give a cold stare and refuse to shift his laserlike focus until he was ready.
Near the end of his life, Jobs was visited at home by Larry Page, who was about to resume control of Google, the company he had cofounded. Even though their companies were feuding, Jobs was willing to give some advice. “The main thing I stressed was focus,” he recalled. Figure out what Google wants to be when it grows up, he told Page. “It’s now all over the map. What are the five products you want to focus on? Get rid of the rest, because they’re dragging you down. They’re turning you into Microsoft. They’re causing you to turn out products that are adequate but not great.” Page followed the advice. In January 2012 he told employees to focus on just a few priorities, such as Android and Google+, and to make them “beautiful,” the way Jobs would have done.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

How do you make a job sharing situation work?

Two for one: making job sharing work

The Australian Financial Review

Rachel Nickless
Over dinner, friends Ella Tassi and ­Darlene White found themselves in a conversation very familiar to many working parents.
“We were commenting on the fact that if you are in a part-time role you do junior work, or you do interesting work but try to cram a full-time role into a part-time job,” says Tassi.
That was seven years ago. Since then the two women have teamed up to offer themselves as a “package deal” to land senior full-time roles.
The first role came about because White was working part-time in a senior marketing role for IOOF and taking care of her two children, when she was asked if she would go up to full-time hours to meet business needs.
“We came up with a detailed job-share proposition and offered IOOF a three-month trial period,” White says. Luckily for them, then chief executive of IOOF was Ron Dewhurst, who had previously had two women working in a job-share arrangement as chief financial officer while he was working for JPMorgan Fleming Asset Management in the US. “He was supportive in around 30 seconds,” says White.
Tassi and White held the role at IOOF for two years then decided to move on. One potential employer dismissed the idea of job sharing outright, but a former IOOF colleague working at Bennelong Funds Management had seen the two perform and hired them as joint head of marketing.
They have been working in the role for five years, each working two days a week separately with a crossover day on Fridays.

‘it has worked exceptionally smoothly’

Bennelong Funds Management chief executive Jarrod Brown is very positive about the benefits to his business saying, “to have one of our absolutely key roles in a job-share role is seemingly risky to most, but it has worked exceptionally smoothly”. But he remains slightly wary of the job sharing concept generally, adding: “I would continue to approach other opportunities with caution as at the end of the day, it is about the individuals involved.”
Many other Australian employers are also wary. Job sharing is still relatively unusual in Australia for senior roles, although it occurs across industries including law, medicine, teaching and public relations.
Tassi and White believe that job sharing has not become widespread because managers have seen few examples of it, and perceive it as more risky. “When you hire an unknown, it’s a leap of faith. When you hire two [it might be seen] as doubling that risk,” Tassi says.
Two workplace experts, University of Sydney Business School’s professor Marian Baird and University of South Australia Centre for Work + Life’s director professor Barbara Pocock, say that job sharing was seen as a “break-through” concept in the 1980s in Australia but has remained relatively uncommon. Pocock says while the US typically has more flexible work design, “in Australia we have a culture that’s quite resistant to new ways of working”.
Both experts think job sharing should be more widely embraced by workplaces and innovative job-seekers, and that the more it is seen, the more it is likely to take off.
Pocock says “only by demonstrating to managers that part-time workers can work at senior leadership levels will it become more widespread with more women in senior positions”.
Tassi and White say there are a few golden rules to follow to ensure job sharing works.
1. Have well-matched work ethics.
2. Present a consistent and united front. “The business can’t afford for one person to spend time undoing what has already been done, and the job-share partnership can’t afford to seem dysfunctional,” they say.
3. Leave ego at the door. Celebrate results as a team, not as an individual.
4. Have detailed handover processes. Tassi and White say they do their handover mid-week in their own time and it’s a small price to pay for flexibility. “We felt it was important to provide the business a seamless service – the burden of sharing information rests with us.”

The Australian Financial Review

BY Rachel Nickless

Are China governments faking economic data? One county -.Add a discussion title S. Caroline S., Esq.

 Harvard Business Review
FORBES       7/16/2013 @ 2:01PM |12.793 views

China May Have Ghost Cities But Rapid Growth Is No Apparition

China has hit targets in virtually everything central planners have ever outlined. Plenty of naysayers cite China’s purported credit-debt bubble and its supposedly overbuilt infrastructure. Often, critics like “60 Minutes” cite China’s putative ghost cities, fully built urban areas where supposedly few to no residents live.
I am not alarmed by China’s so-called ghost cities, much less Chinese overbuilding or vulnerability to a crash. The fact is, China’s urbanization goal requires that it build roughly 100 cities in the next decade, vastly greater than the scant, same five “ghost cities” belittled again and again over the last decade.
Of the targets, Ordos has garnered the most publicity, probably due to its size and Mongolian desert location. But two documentary filmmakers, Adam Smith and Song Ting, offer a very different and compelling assessment. Ordos “sprang to life” on the heels of a major coal discovery. That led to massive building. Really, Ordos includes two cities, one already a vibrant metropolis of 2 million residents whose average income matches that in the U.S., the second as yet small, but as the film makers suggest, starting to catch fire.
Whatever overbuilding China may have done, it was simply insufficient to create an economic crisis. The IMF authored the most comprehensive report to date on Chinese over investment. China’s debts, unlike those of the U.S. and most other countries, the IMF notes, are owed to China itself. Therefore, the risks of a full-blown Chinese economic crisis remain small.
The misallocation of resources does create some economic strain. The IMF calculates that these translate into a subsidy from households to large state-owned enterprises, of roughly 4% of GDP. However, if that figure is accurate, or even somewhat higher, Chinese per capita income has nevertheless grown faster, over a much longer period of time, than in any country since the advent of capitalism. In the last 13 years, by contrast, real U.S. median incomes declined about 10%.
Moreover, the IMF and Western analysts in general judge investment returns along a fairly short time horizon. China probably views returns on investment in its infrastructure, especially in energy, as heavily back-loaded. Chinese academic articles predict peak coal sometime in the next decade. Clearly, the world ought to start to prepare now, although gains will not be evident until coal supplies start to lag demand.
To me, this provides yet another indication that China sits on firmer ground than many believe, and that fears of a Chinese real estate bubble in particular are way overblown. Here’s a number never cited in the U.S. press, real estate price changes relative to GDP. Broad-based measures of home or property prices in China, show that gains over several years pretty much match GDP growth.
During the U.S. housing bubble, by contrast, home prices increased several times faster than annual growth in GDP. Similarly, in Japan, real estate prices during the late 1980s rose many times faster than GDP growth, while P/Es on the Nikkei in the same period often rose to triple-digit levels. In China, current P/Es remain at the single-digit level. In a country as big as China one would normally expect to find pockets of overvaluation in virtually all assets, but I think China’s critics have wildly exaggerated the extent of the problem.
In fact, China’s economy is no longer export driven. Retail sales and internal consumption are growing along with GDP.
Since so much evidence against China is anecdotal, here is a contrasting anecdote. The current No. 2 in China’s hierarchy,  Li Keqiang, also responsible for economic policy, for five years earlier worked beside former economic minister Wen Jiabao. Since his portfolio then included the entire array of economic management, arguably his knowledge of the Chinese economy is second to none. If China really faced serious economic trouble, I doubt he’d have eagerly accepted his current post. Actually, Li campaigned for it and landed in a government position even higher than that of Wen, previously No. 3 in the pecking order. To the best of my knowledge, the Chinese aren’t famous for acceptance of suicide missions.
So what investments are leveraged to Chinese growth? With so many cities and so many infrastructures left to build, commodities will, as mentioned in a previous blog, naturally benefit. The biggest bang , however, could be in the Chinese stock market. A profound laggard in recent years the Chinese market could play catch-up, big time, as the government continues to liberalize its markets. The government now mostly shuts out foreigners from the vast majority of Chinese stocks. That is changing quickly as the Chinese seek an ever greater role for their currency, the Yuan, in world commerce. Gradually, the government is opening the gates to foreigners to invest directly in Chinese markets, although for the typical retail customer, pickings remain pretty slim.
Here are several picks available to all investors. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which trades under the symbol IDCBY, is one poster child of more liberalized Chinese markets. The largest Chinese bank trades with a P/E of only 5.5 and yields over 6 percent. With such metrics the bank looks to me like a great bet that China is far from the verge of total collapse. I also like the China Fund CHN +0.74% (CHN), which probably offers the best way to get a stake in all the ultra-fast growing Chinese companies still closed to foreigners. The fund has sharply outperformed all the major Chinese stock averages.
Additional plays representing China’s upward mobility theme include the internet and software companies Baidu BIDU +2.02% (BIDU) and NetEase (NTES), Internet retailers like travel-based Ctrip.com International (CTRP) and ECommerce China Dangdang (DANG).  For those who might consider individual Chinese stocks a tad too risky, there is always the large cap iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index (FXI), an ETF that focuses on bigger state-owned businesses.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Urgent Jobs for MCA / CS/ EC/ IT (2012,13 pass outs) at NOIDA

Urgent Jobs for MCA / CS/ EC / ITat NOIDA

an opening in hdfc bank as an Area Manager in home loan deptt.

opening in HDFC bank as an Area Manager in home loan deptt.

Location : Hyderabad
 Qualification MBA/ PGDM

 Experience  one year  

Salary: 30%hike on current CTC . Please mail CV @ .


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Message on Teacher's Day


5th September is the birthday of a great teacher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education, and was the well-known diplomat, scholar, President of India and above all, a teacher.

When some of his students and friends approached him and requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday, he said, "instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege, if 5th September is observed as Teachers day".

In that gathering, in his speech Dr Radhakrishnan expressed his deep reservation regarding his birth anniversary celebration, and emphasised that his birth anniversary should be celebrated as 'Teachers Day', by paying homage to other Great Teachers of India

From then onwards, the 5th of September has been observed as Teachers Day, in India.


 My Message is  to All Students that Real reward to a Teacher lies in the success of the students to whom he / she taught. Moreover a teacher always wishes that students should first become a responsible citizen of the family & country and  then a good human being. 

 I urge to all not to forget our Indian values in the race of reaching high. Stay on the ground with watering to your roots. 

  Resourceful Thinking +  Good Health = Mental Peace that equates to Happiness.




Wednesday, September 4, 2013

International Placement : Sr. Logistics Executive...

Job for Sales officer (FMCG) CTC 5.5 LPA

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

An Article - Mahatma Gandhi – Soft Leadership-Global Human Resources Peace & Development: Every one should read

Mahatma Gandhi – Soft Leadership

Mahatma Gandhi – Soft Leadership“Christ gave us the goals and Mahatma Gandhi the tactics.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I led a webinar on “Soft Leadership: A New Leadership Perspective” organized by International Leadership Association on August 29, 2012. When I explained my new leadership concept – soft leadership, and the soft leaders who must contain 11 C’s, one of the participants asked a question, “Is there any leader in the world who possesses all C’s?” I replied, “Yes, there was one leader who had all the 11 C’s such as character, charisma, conscience, conviction, courage, communication, compassion, commitment, consistency, consideration, and contribution – that was Mahatma Gandhi.
Mahatma Gandhi got independence for India through truth and non-violence. He said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” He proved that a leader can achieve everything through moral power, soft power, soft tactics, and soft skills. He showed that it is not the size but strength that matters. It is not the physical strength but moral strength that counts. Mahatma Gandhi influenced the world through his soft leadership including five Nobel Laureates – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Barack Obama.
What is Soft Leadership?
Soft leadership is a new direction to leadership coined by me. We need this style with the changing times and technologies and due to the dynamic global business environment. This new leadership perspective is essential to meet the rising expectations of all stakeholders globally. Soft leadership can be defined as the process of setting goals; influencing people through persuasion; building strong teams; negotiating them with a win-win attitude; respecting their failures; hand-holding them; motivating them constantly; aligning their energies and efforts; recognizing and appreciating their contribution in accomplishing the organizational objectives with an emphasis on soft skills. It is based on the right mindset, skill set, and tool-set.
Soft Leaders and 11 Characteristics
Soft leaders are the leaders who make a difference in the lives of their partners. They don’t believe in leadership and followership, but in partnership. They blend hard and soft skills and lead from the front with 11 characteristics. They adopt various tools such as participation, persuasion, influence, negotiation, motivation, recognition, appreciation, and collaboration. They adopt soft power, soft tactics, and soft tools and techniques to get the tasks executed successfully. They are more of people-orientation rather than task-orientation, and adopt transformational style rather than transactional style. Precisely, soft leaders are relationship-oriented, people-orientated, service-oriented, transformational, authentic, and thought leaders who lead through soft skills. Here are the 11 characteristics that substantiate that Mahatma Gandhi was a great soft leader:
Character is one of the key components of soft leaders. It is through their strong character they lead their people by influencing and guiding them. Character is the key thing that differentiates good leaders from others. In fact, good character makes a person a great leader. What counts at the end of the day in your life is who you are, not what you have. Mahatma Gandhi was a great example for character who practiced what he preached. He walked his talk throughout his life. He enlightened, “The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles”
Mahatma Gandhi differentiated, “Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment.” One of the greatest characteristics of soft leaders is their charisma. Charisma helps in connecting with others easily as people feel valued and pleased to talk with these leaders. Mahatma was a charismatic leader. He succeeded as a soft leader because of his ability to control mystical inner power. He connected with the common man with his charisma. He strongly believed, “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”
Conscience is one of the major key components of soft leaders as clear conscience makes them stand out from other leaders. People expect leaders to be ethical and responsible. They also look up to leaders whose conscience cares them. Conscience differentiates the right from the wrong. Leaders must have a clear conscience to convince themselves so that they can persuade others. If there is a chasm between the word and the deed, conscience reminds the same. Mahatma Gandhi was always clear with his conscience. He unveiled the mistakes he made in his autography – “Gandhi An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth”. Every person makes mistakes but how many unveil and admit them? In fact, it requires a lot of courage to reveal one’s wrong-doings. He rightly said, “The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.”
Mahatma Gandhi asserted, “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.” Conviction is another key ingredient for soft leadership without which the soft leaders cannot lead successfully. It is their convictions that take soft leaders forward and inspire their people to move forward toward achieving their goals. Mahatma Gandhi was a symbol of sacrifice and convictions. He said, “A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” During India’s independence he was subjected to several hardships but he strongly believed in his convictions. Hence, Mahatma Gandhi was an apt example for conviction.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Courage is an integral part of soft leadership. Courage doesn’t mean fighting with others physically. Courage means standing for your principles and policies, and values and ethics. Mahatma Gandhi remarked, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” He stood for his values of non-violence and Satyagraha. Remember what counts at the end of the day is neither your muscle power nor money power but your moral power. Hence, Mahatma Gandhi was a great example for courageous leadership and soft leadership.
Leaders express their ideas, ideals, and insights and persuade others to follow them through communication skills. And soft leaders adopt assertive communication. Assertive communication is the ability to communicate firmly but politely. Mahatma Gandhi was a great communicator who never compromised with his principles but expressed them politely and adopted them firmly. He communicated with the people through practice and by setting an example. He communicated in the language the people understood and not in the language he knew. He said, “I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.”
When we refer to compassion, two leaders flash in our minds – Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Mahatma Gandhi was a compassionate leader whose heart was filled with tons of compassion. He empathized with the people of all religions and faiths and respected them. He was an empathic leader who had the ability to step into the shoes of others and understand the things from others’ perspective. Once he was travelling in a train, and he was standing at the door enjoying the beautiful scenery of India. One of his chappals slipped away and fell down from the train. He threw the other chappal as well so that the finder can benefit as he would have a pair instead of just one chappal. Keeping one chappal with him would be of no use to him or the finder. It shows his empathy and compassion. Mahatma Gandhi moved with untouchables and gave them due respect. He said, “Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use.” Compassion is an integral characteristic of soft leadership. In fact, compassion differentiates soft leaders from other leaders. It helps connect with others easily. People appreciate the leaders who care and touch them.
Commitment is the key characteristic of soft leaders. Mahatma Gandhi was committed to truth, non-violence, and peace. He rightly remarked, “My commitment is to truth not consistency.” He believed in simplicity and humility. He was committed to fight against inequality and injustice when he was in South Africa and India. He was committed to fight against suppression and oppression. He was committed to Hindu-Muslim unity. He once remarked, “I don’t have a message. My message is my life.” His commitment to the cause of India’s freedom was firm. As a result, he made a significant difference in the lives of Indians.
Consistency is another important ingredient for soft leadership. Leaders need to demonstrate their consistency so as to have a profound impact on their people. People expect leaders to be predictable, responsible, and credible. Failure to demonstrate consistency might lead to credibility crisis. Mahatma Gandhi maintained consistency throughout his life by sticking to non-violence and peace. He remarked, “True morality consists, not in following the beaten track, but in finding out the true path for ourselves and in fearlessly following it.” Consistency is essential in every area of life. Consistency is essential in putting your efforts to achieve big. It is required to get noticed as a credible and responsible person.
Consideration is one of the major characteristics of soft leaders as soft leaders basically care for their people. Consideration means how much and how far the leaders are sensitive towards their people. Leaders with consideration have more of people-orientation rather than task-orientation. They empathize with others and understand the problems. Mahatma Gandhi was an empathetic leader who always cared for and considered others. He said, “I don’t believe in stereotypes, I prefer to hate people on a more personal basis. The measure of a truly great man is the courtesy with which he treats lesser men. An eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind.”
Contribution includes precious time, money, energy, ideas, knowledge, and service to the society. Genuine and selfless contribution takes to true leadership. People respect the leaders who contribute their best to the society without hankering for wealth, power, or prestige. Mahatma Gandhi said, “We must become the change we want to see in the world.” His contribution to India’s freedom movement, and to bring a qualitative difference in the lives of others is unquestionable. He enlightened the world with the knowledge that all religions in the world share common beliefs of truth and non-violence which is his major contribution to mankind. Here is the diagram connecting all 11 C’s that constitute soft leadership and symbolizes the characteristics of Mahatma Gandhi:
Mahatma Gandhi – Soft Leadership
Mahatma Gandhi – A Soft Leader
Mahatma Gandhi said, “Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could. In doing so, I have sometimes erred and learned by my errors. Life and its problems have thus become to me so many experiments in the practice of truth and nonviolence.”
Mahatma Gandhi had more concern for people and was a participative, and relationship oriented leader. Commenting on leadership he quoted, “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.” It clearly shows that his leadership style is closely connected with soft leadership. He provided a soft touch, believed in soft power, adopted soft tactics, and applied soft skills apart from possessing the 11 characteristics needed for a soft leader. Hence, we can conclude that Mahatma Gandhi was an ideal example for a soft leader. His principles are eternal and his leadership is everlasting.
Mahatma Gandhi continues to inspire people internationally through his soft leadership. He will be remembered as long as civilization exists. Present world needs another soft leader like Mahatma Gandhi to preach and practice non-violence and peace to eliminate intolerance and impatience, and to spread universal brotherhood and fraternity. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable. He lived, thought, acted and inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony. 

Prof M S Rao
 International Leadership Guru

source : http://www.unpost.org/mahatma-gandhi-soft-leadership/


Monday, September 2, 2013

Job for a Head HR in Mumbai with a Retail MNC

Looking for a Head HR in Mumbai with a Retail MNC. Candidate needs to be excellent with HR Operations and must have excellent skills in working with SAP. Salary not a constraint for the right candidate. Job based out in Mumbai. If interested, please mail your updated cv to anubhavj@unisoninternational.net or call him at 9650454310 / 8527294044 / 0124-4565907

Article on "Organisation Culture - Business Manager"

Article -Organisation Culture - Business Manager HR magazine - Sept. 013

Organization culture is one of those important areas of business that is neither fully understood nor utilized to get success. It is difficult to define it in absolute terms because there is no culture absolute. It is relative. It is not feely component. It is not intangible. It is not vibe. It is one of the most important drivers that if not evolved, set and nurtured over a period of time consciously, will not bring long term sustainable success. Culture of the organization is the shadow of the leader. It cannot be manufactured. It has to be genuinely nurtured by everyone from the leader top down.
Now it comes to understanding what drives the culture of an organization? Is it power or ego of the leader? Is it encouragement or empowerment at all levels? Leadership fuels culture and culture fuels actions that consistently reflect values and beliefs. Having values and beliefs on papers in board room is one thing but making them alive and modeled throughout is another thing. Bringing the values of the organization to the life of the employees is the role of HR people. To create value driven culture, you have to hire persons using values as filter. Authenticity and value have long life.
Vibrant work culture requires openness, cross department collaboration, encouragement, empowerment, team work, trust, transparency and high EI (emotional intelligence) of people. It requires environment to flourish. Environment is built up by managers through strategic clear communication to behave, act and decide in a way that make values and beliefs alive. High EI of managers helps building environment that energize people.
HR professionals have the opportunity to act as culture builder because HR practices have significant, positive and meaningful relationship with organization culture. Such practices become the means whereby work culture is created, developed and maintained.HR can become powerful lever for shaping the culture. They are key internal catalysts for supporting and enabling the organization values. HR has to move from subject expert giving operational excellence to culture builder of the organization.
While the values of the organization are set by top leaders, it is HR that needs to act as mirror of those values and facilitate leaders in taking decisions that support and nurture those values set by them. It can also be a challenge for HR to influence the thought process of business leaders in this respect.
This month's cover theme is about organization culture. Management thinkers, professionals and experts from different industries and business organizations have captured the subject, discussed different dimensions, raised possibilities and posed many questions too for all of us to ponder.

source :
Business Manager-HR magazine

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